Hawk on the Ground 2 - Contemplating Dinner
by Robert Alter Reflections of Infinity
Hawk on the Ground 2 - Contemplating Dinner
Robert Alter Reflections of Infinity
A large hawk after it has caught dinner.
I tried to identify this hawk but. When I looked in my Audubon Field Guide to North American Birds it looked most like a Ferruginous Hawk, but they are not in this part of the country. It does not have the white eyebrow of a goshawk. It might be juvenile but it does not have the yellow eyes. I also looked online at some reputable web sites and there are several similar species but a lot of variation within species. All the photos and descriptions had at least one aspect that did not match this bird.
July 10th, 2017
Comments (3)
Lara Ellis
Wow!!! What a cool shot! Love this! L/F
Robert Alter Reflections of Infinity replied:
Thanks Lara. I've never seen anything like it and was lucky to have the opportunity to capture it.
Margaret Saheed
Rob, interesting feathers and he or she certainly looks focused on dinner!
Robert Alter Reflections of Infinity replied:
Yes, it was very focused. And I haven't seen one with feathers like that.